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NEXPA’s Enhanced Customer Service Management Solution for Mercedes-Benz car service center in Singapore.
Cycle & Carriage’s Mercedes-Benz car service center in Singapore Select’s
NEXPA’s enhanced customer service management solution.
Cycle & Carriage is a leading automotive group in Southeast Asia. They distribute retail and
provide aftersales Services for new and used vehicles in Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar.
In Singapore, they carry a diverse stable of vehicles from Citroen, DS Automobiles, Maxus, Mercedes-Benz,
Mitsubishi to Kia. They are also Singapore’s largest certified pre-owned car dealer (Republic Auto) and the distributor
for BYD forklifts. Cycle & Carriage has been a partner of Mercedes-Benz for over 60 year. The Mercedes-Benz car
service center in Singapore was the first ever to be unveiled in Asia. The center is equipped with modern facilities
such as fashion shows, concerts, exhibitions etc. They selected NEXPA’s smart parking solution for their systematic
operation of car service center. To achieve exceptional customer experience, NEXPA integrated it with service booking
application for seamless appointment process including real-time status updates and a direct line of communication
between customers and the service advisor.
NEXPA has brought an enhanced customer service management solution for Cycle & Carriage. By utilizing license plate
recognition, visual parking analytic, and service flow automation the solution via mobile application platform will revolutionize
the customer experience while helping automakers, service centers and car dealers meet covid-19 safety requirements.
Service flow:

1. License plate recognition provides entry to the vehicle on arrival and alerts the center to its presence.
2. The driver completes an automated check-in on the service booking app.
3. Vehicle Guidance feature in Customer Service Module directs the driver to a designated space and staffs
are notified that the driver has arrived via LED/LCD Display and Any Kiosk & Mobile
(NEXPA Digital Media API enable Plug & Play type of integration to any media).
4. While the vehicle is in the workshop real-time repair status and estimated time of completion is provided to
the driver via the service booking app. Through the app, the driver can keep up to date with the progress
of their vehicle, live-chat with an advisor, and complete payment.
5. Once the vehicle is in the final stages of preparation, the driver is notified via the app and provided with guidance to collect their car.
6. Drivers can then provide feedback and retrieve their invoices from the app. As they exit the facility,
LPR will automatically open the barrier and trigger a personalized message.
Benefits for the Business:
1. Through automation, manpower can be minimized – personnel no longer
need to be present to provideaccess to the facility or meet the driver.
2. Meaningful data can be captured to use for future opportunities.
3. An overview of vehicles at the facility can provide enhanced traffic management.
4. In-app communication makes upselling possible.
5. Resources and personnel can be managed more efficiently.

1. License plate recognition provides automatic access to the driver who can enter the facility without interacting with machines.
2. Parking guidance, NEXPA’s VPGS, directs the driver directly to a parking space, minimizing the time they spend in the facility.
And, on return to their vehicle, the app directs them to their car.
3. With features such as instant booking confirmation, updated vehicle status, timely reminders, service transparency,
ready assistance and access to records the this app provides a customer-friendly experience.